
Dental issues

Mouth Problems, Non-Injury Topic Overview It is not unusual to have a problem with your  mouth  from time to time. A mouth problem can involve your gums, lips, tongue, or inner cheeks, the roof of your mouth (soft and hard palates), under your tongue, your neck, or your teeth. Your mouth may be dry, or food may not taste right. You may have bad breath or a sore on your lip, gums, or tongue that makes it hard to eat or talk. Many of these problems can get better with home treatment. Common mouth problems include: Sores , such as  cold sores  (also called fever blisters) and  canker sores . Canker sores develop inside the mouth, while cold sores and impetigo usually affect the area around the outside of the mouth. Infections, which can be caused by a virus (such as  herpes simplex ) or a bacteria (such as  epiglottitis , or  impetigo , or a  sexually transmitted infection ). An infection is more serious when it causes rapid swelling of the tongue or throat and blockage